a sketch of a rose  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a sketch of a  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a moon  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
Mimosa  ,tattoo design, white background
a sketch of a house  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a simple drawing of nature  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a human  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a sketch of a flower  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a simple drawing of a flower  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a head  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a sketch of a lion  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a simple drawing of a bird  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a goat  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a sketch of a cow  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a squirrel  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a duck  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a sketch of a cat  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a tree  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a cat  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a sketch of a car  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of bird  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a chicken  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a sketch of a bird  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a pumpkin  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a car  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a sketch of a butterfly  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a spider  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a bunny  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a sketch of  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
a drawing of a peacock  minimal rough scribbles,doodles,black and white
Das Motiv zeigt einen neugierigen Corgi mit herausgestreckter Zunge, der über einen lächelnden, orangenen Kürbis blickt. Der Kürbis ist mit einem niedlich geschnitzten Gesicht versehen, das mit zwei Zähnen grinst, und wird von herbstlich roten Blättern umrahmt. Die Kombination aus dem verspielten Hund und dem fröhlichen Kürbis bringt eine warme und niedliche Herbststimmung auf dein Kleidungsstück.  , vector illustration, clipart
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